A mysterious piece of furniture, a bean bag bed with blanket and pillow built in, has somewhat taken the Internet by storm in recent years.
But what exactly is this bean bag bed with a blanket and a pillow? Is it for sale, and does it actually even exist?
Does a Bean Bag Bed With Blanket and Pillow Exist?
Some days you just want to hide from the world, and a comfortable bean bag can be the best way to escape for a while and be in your very own space.
Bean bags are the best for afternoon naps and lazy Sunday mornings. Those times when you’re not quite ready to crawl into bed, and the sofa just isn’t warm enough.
You may or may not have heard of the bean bag bed with built in blanket and pillow. We heard rumors on the Internet claiming that there was this bean bag, as big as a bed, that had a pillow and a blanket attached to it.
We decided to dive into this a little deeper to find out what this ultimate relaxation home furniture product is all about, and where we could get one.
Introducing the Moody Couch
After spending countless hours searching the Internet, we stumbled upon the so-called Moody Couch.
The Moody Couch is an awesome invention that is not really a bean bag bed but it certainly does look like one. Bean bags are meant to be comfortable, relaxing and lazy. And the Moody Couch seems to incorporate all those factors, captured in a very clever and stylish design.

The Moody Couch is basically a little paradise of comfort, a dream product consisting of a couch bed with a blanket and pillow built in.
Well, the pillow as such isn’t actually there, but the whole product just looks like a one-piece bed with everything on it that a real bed needs.
Almost a double bed size (or so it seems), this bean bag with blanket can act a as comfortable sofa or a spare bed that you can easily move around from room to room.
It Suits Different Moods
Designed by Hanna Emelie Ernsting, the Moody Couch bed was created, as the name suggests, to suit your mood.
You can manipulate the excess fabric of this couch bed according to how you feel, making it look like a normal sofa, or like a purpose-built bed perfect for an afternoon snooze.
Here are a few examples of the different moods you can create with the Moody Couch:
Time-out mood:
Quietly read a book as you relax in your moody couch.
Chill mood:
Hide away from the rest of the world and squeeze in a power nap.
Cuddle mood:
Enjoy some quiet time with your partner and cuddle the night away.
Tidy mood:
Turn your moody couch into a tidy couch for when you’re expecting guests.
Sleepy mood:
This is the mood you’re in when all you want is sleep, and this is also how the moody couch really does look like a bean bag bed with blanket and pillow.
This product is not just a one-piece bean bag bed with blanket and pillow. It’s a versatile object for any space in your home, meeting endless scenarios of relaxation.
The Moody Couch is just one item in the Moody furniture range. There’s also the Moody Nest for example, which is suited only for a single person at a time.
As far as we know, this unique piece of furniture never made it to market and is not for sale or in production right now. Hopefully this article will put this clever and very appealing product back into the spotlight.
We would absolutely love to see this bean bag style bed on the market so we can purchase one for ourselves.
5 Alternative Bean Bag Beds That You Can Buy
Fortunately the Moody Couch is not the only solution out there. There are plenty of oversized bean bags, or even bean bag beds, available on the market.
Many of these products can offer the same range of positions and comfort as the aforementioned Moody Couch. You just need to be a bit more inventive in how you set it up.
Below are five of these oversized bean bag beds and chairs for sale. They may not have a built-in blanket and pillow, but they are still very comfortable, stylish and super addictive!
1. CordaRoy’s Chenille Convertible Bean Bag Chair
As seen on Shark Tank, the CordayRoy’s convertible bean bag chair allows you to convert a super comfortable bean bag chair into a full-size bed within a matter of seconds.
Included is a changeable, washable & dry-able chair cover and one full bed insert. Filled with premium super soft shredded foam, the bed component can sleep 2 adults comfortably.
This innovative convertible bean bag chair is available in 6 different colors.
2. Cozy Sack 7 Feet Bean Bag Chair
This oversized Cozy Sack measures 7 feet and will instantly make you want to sleep in it for a very long time. Very easily adjustable, this quality bean bag will always make you feel comfortable, whether you’re reading a book or trying to have a nap.
The microfiber cover can be removed and is machine-washable. Available in 16 bright colors!
3. Jaxx 7 ft Giant Bean Bag Sofa
Measuring 7 feet long and fitting up to 3 adults, this bean bag chair, sofa or bed is sure to impress. The bag is filled up with shredded polyurethane foam to achieve the perfect support while still feeling very soft and comfortable.
The micro-suede cover is removable and machine-washable. Proudly made in the USA, this awesome bean bag sofa is available in 8 stylish colors.
4. Big Joe 6 Feet Media Lounger
Measuring 6 feet in length and filled with durable and soft foam, the Big Joe media lounger is perhaps one of the most comfortable bean bag sofas available.
Who needs conventional chairs or sofas when you can sit and relax in this wonderfully designed media lounger bean bag. It’s versatile too, as you can turn it into a real lounger by placing it on its side, or you can place it upright to allow for more support for your back.
5. Cozy Sack 6 Feet Bean Bag Chair
A touch smaller than the previous one, but still offers the same level of style and comfort. If you don’t have as much spare room at home, but still want the ultimate comfort, this bean bag chair is right for you.
This model is available in a wide range of patterns and colors.
Final Thoughts
Sadly, it does seem that the bean bag bed with built in blanket and pillow does not actually exist. The Moody Couch comes very close, but that design doesn’t appear to be for sale anywhere.
Hopefully though the oversized bean bag beds we have listed above come close enough. They are all super comfortable, durable and very well designed, such that they add true value to your home.